To quicken the process of getting support, kindly have this in mind.
- First search through the topics available before you make a new post. What you are looking for might have been answered already.
- Provide the version of UgandaEMR, this is found on the login page
- Providing a screenshot is desired
- In case you have to share server logs, copy them into a text file (.txt) and upload
- Ensure your server logs are precise. You can do this by stopping Tomcat, delete all the server logs, start Tomcat, and recreate the error you had (repeat the process that was causing the error). This means the server log will be small and the actual error will easily be seen
This is the defaultfor the logs C:\Program Files\UgandaEMR\UgandaEMRTomcat\logs
- Mention the mode of EMR you are using (POC or Retrospective data entry)
- In case your post is about performance, include the server specs (CPU, RAM, number of clients connected to server, and active patients)
- Include a scenario or state what you were doing when you encountered a system error.